Are you minding your business?

Are you minding your business?

I am off this week for spring break in celebration of my birthday. Yep, took the week off to celebrate me. Ha! I learned a long time ago that I don’t prefer to work on my birthday and to honor that feeling. This goes for not working on my husband and daughter’s birthdays (seeing clients on those evenings). So, I’ve had a week of pampering and working on personal projects and interests. So fun! This is one aspect of what I call “minding my business”, and love it.

Part of “minding our business” is owning our life, our personal experience. We Create this moment by moment… We have a choice in how we feel, what we eat, how we look, how healthy we are, how our house looks, how we relate to others, what we do, how we use our time, what we produce, how we use our finances, and everything else… It is our life and we are the creators of it, ALL of it…

We create our life with every single decision throughout the day: what time we get up, do we meditate, do we exercise, do we eat nutritious foods, do we safe guard our work/productive time, do we have beauty in our surroundings, do we spend time in nature, do we connect with the influencers in our life, do we connect with our loved ones, do we stay connected with our Higher Self and our Spirituality, do we have healthy and efficient daily routines, do we have a gratitude practice?

It is very easy to blame our circumstances and the people in our life for not having the life we desire… It is very easy to react to everything during our day, as opposed to intentionally going about it… It is very easy to waste our time, our day, our life… We have to make every moment count!

And, making every moment count doesn’t mean a free for all and living it up, or being stuck in the grind and slaving ourselves. Making every moment count means we choose how we use it. We can choose to work, to volunteer, to play, to lie around, or anything we want… The creation is in the choosing… If you don’t see the choice, therein lies the first shift needed to create the life you want…

Everything is a choice. We make decisions based on our upbringing, script, programming, values, level of self-worth and self-esteem, skills, health, finances, personality, and such. But note, we actually have choices and options in these as well! ALL this is changeable… Even your upbringing… You can choose how you view it and how you let it impact you… Nothing is set in stone. You create YOU. You create your Life. You are the master of your business.

When we don’t mind our business, our business suffers… Our health, relationship, finances, home, work, all of it suffers. It is our Job to mind our Business. It is imperative that we take charge, own and mind our every moment. It is imperative that we create a life by design, that we choose what makes us happy, and that we focus on that pursuit. Living our life by default is not living our Life. It is wasting our life.

Another aspect of minding our business is not getting involved in other people’s business… This is harder for some to do than owning their own business! People love to have an opinion and worry/wonder about how others are doing, what they are doing, and how they are doing it. They love to judge and measure. They are nosey. If they spend that energy minding their own business their life would be so much better… Any frustration we experience is because we are minding someone else’s business… We think on how they should be operating and contributing differently… This is none of our business!

If our needs are not met by how someone else is being, we have a choice in how we address that. Telling others how to be is not part of it. This is where partners get into trouble in their relationship. There are a lot of misconceptions around this. Even if you are married you can’t tell someone else how to Be!

I’m sorry if I’m ruffling your feathers. If you are troubled by this concept, you might need to polish up your boundaries… There are ways for both partners to be satisfied without either telling the other how to Be… You can co-create a life that works for you both and that honors each of you. The key is in minding your business…

What part of your life can use more owning, designing, tweaking? Where in your life do you need to back off? Enjoy minding your business!

Remember to complete the MetroRelationsip™ Assignment below to help you effortlessly implement this, make changes and immediately start creating your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life…

Share your experience by leaving a comment below!

Happy Minding!


P.S. It is not easy to mind our business, to fully own our life and not to tell others (even if in our own head!) how to be… This is the reason your life might not be exactly as you desire it yet… We can help! I’d be honored to speak with you about how we can help You. Schedule a get acquainted call to connect and discuss how we can help and how to get started. Look forward to Connecting with you!


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Text: *Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT
Image: Photo by Eric Froehling

*Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship:tm: philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple :tm: content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected:tm: with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:

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