Welcome to the 4th issue, an issue that came into existence all of its own volition. The stories wanted to be told. The women and men we’ve spoken with are impacting your lives, and you might not even know it. These tremendous people are working to create a better world, in science, in tech, in business, in government, on this planet and above it.
For the second year in a row, we’ve been nominated in the TOP 10 Women’s Business Magazines. We’re grateful. We’re humbled. We’re thrilled that we can bring you more Wonder Women from every industry in our pages, in our newsletters, in our social media posts.
In this issue, we’re focusing on the diversity of women, from young women that will take us to Mars, onto the leading ladies of industries that will make those dreams happen.
In this issue, we’re bringing you women of different ages, different cultures, different religions, different upbringings, different sexual orientations, different socioeconomic status, and what you’ll see throughout the issue is that that’s what makes us all beautiful. The reason why we started this magazine is to bring to light just this: the beautiful diversity of women, the leaders, the dreamers, the creators, the innovators. This issue is our best one yet.
Future astronaut and the current leadership at the Robotics’s lab at NASA, these ladies are who is taking us to MARS.
Data rules our daily lives. We’re bringing you the diverse women in blockchain, cryptocurrency, robotics, automation, and AI.
At the end of some days, we all enjoy some libations. We’re expanding your palate with some beer and wine, from women master brewers and winery owners and winery owners and vintners.
Our global and diverse leading women talk about the impact that equality and diversity have on global security, on the global economy, and on improving the lives of millions, including yours.
Art heals the soul. Art is the expression of society, of the struggles, of the joys we all experience. We’re featuring the works of two artists that represent different generations and different ways of looking at the world.
The Other Half, the men in our issue, talk about the new definition of being a man. What does that mean anymore, in a society that needs men to take part and ownership in the changes necessary for all to thrive? These two men, with very different approaches, work in bringing the two worlds together, bridging the communication and understanding divide.
Our female founders, again, bring the creativity needed to solve actual issues that our society is dealing with. Each one of them, each startup, solves an issue that will make the lives of working mothers better, or the lives of astronauts better, or the bottom line of established organizations by providing elegant ways of meeting compliance requirements.
It’s a work of love. Again. Like all the previous issues.
We also want to thank our sponsors and supporters for helping make this issue a bigger success.
The humans that are making this world better in this issue are:
Kimberly Hambuchen – NASA, Robotics
Kamales Lardi – Women in Blockchain Switzerland – Blockchain
Margaret Mayer – Capital One – AI & Machine Learning
Sukhi Jutla – Market Orders – Cryptocurrency
Alyssa Carson – Our Covergirl, astronaut in training
Jill Pavlak and Deb Loch – Urban Growler Brewery
Claudia Romo Edelman – United Nations, World Economic Forum, We are all Human
Jamille Bigio – Council on Foreign Relations
Helen Frankenthaler – artist
Jill Hakala – contemporary abstract painter
David Smith – US Naval War College, Navy Pilot, Sociology Professor
Nick Haines – Five Institute, Chinese Medicine, Kindness Ambassador
Abbey Donnell – Work & Mom
Alina Kravchenko – Swipe ’n Snap
Lisbeth Hinkle – The Good Yoga Project
Megan Eddings – Accell Lifestyle
$17 USD
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