Work from home in style & go forth and conquer the world. Here are some work-from-home essentials.
Just because you’re working from home, that doesn’t mean that you can’t do it in style, with a bit of flare and lots of enjoyment.
We particularly liked the Pittsburg Desk from Pottery Barn. Stylish, and it can be a stand or a sit-down desk, depending on your mood, amount of work, or dance mood. Let the Apple watch Hermes edition track your activity levels, because while working from home, you can actually stand and walk around your office, and get some creative work done while pacing the house. Plug in your new Master & Dynamic headphones into your player and focus. Dress in the newest color of the fall, the deep green velvet dress from Zara, and smell like an Italian countess with the new Stella fragrance from Tocca, and let the hours melt away.
End of day comes with a little Malbec from Girl and Dragon. Meet your friends for a glass of wine and walk (with your dog) to the nearest wine bar in your brand new Lolla boots from Sorel.
Enjoy fall and stay fabulous!
1. Velvet Dress with Hood, Zara $69.90.
2. Women’s Lolla™ boot, Sorel, $190.
3. Pittsburgh Crank Sit-Stand desk, Pottery Barn, $899.
4. Stella Eau de Perfume, Tocca, $72.
5. Apple Watch Hermès, Apple, $1,299.
6. Girl and Dragon Malbec, $13.
7. Master & Dynamic MH40 Headphones, $399.
*Due to changes in the product offerings, we have adjusted the links and the pricing of the items to show current offerings from the selected providers.
*We are not affiliated with any of the vendors listed above; we just enjoy their products.
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